Services | Flexible Lease Terms
Corporate housing is fully furnished apartment living without committing to a year-long lease with a property. Our minimum stay is 30 days; but after that initial 30 days, you can stay 1, 2, 3+ months as long as you provide the proper notice to vacate of your firm departure date (as detailed in your lease agreement). If you’re planning on a longer stay, you can rent our fully furnished apartments for as long as you need. We offer flexible easy extensions, and no hidden fees. In addition, if you depart mid-month (say you need to stay 42 days), we only bill you for those dates. Once past that initial 30 days, we work around your schedule!
If you’ve ever been through the process of building a new home, you know a home completion date is often-times a moving target. Our policy has always been that once you’ve moved into your apartment, you can always extend your stay and you won’t be moved from your original furnished apartment. We also have a flexible early departure policy based on how much notice you’ve given regarding your departure.
We provide temporary furnished accommodations for those who are seeking fully furnished apartments or townhouses, relocating for business, traveling for work, in-between homes, insurance claims or are having their current residence renovated. Our properties provide all the comforts and luxuries of home while you are temporarily displaced from yours! No need to stress about apartment hunting! We have always been proud to offer some of the most competitive rates for temporary housing.
All we ask is that you give us at least 30 days’ notice when you’d like to leave
Modern Homes for 30+ Day Stays